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Tummy Tuck Procedure Eliminate Abdominal Fat Fast

Tummy Tuck Procedure Eliminate Abdominal Fat Fast
I recently wrote an article about Endoscopic Weight Loss Surgery a few days ago and I just thought that I should write another one like a movie sequel with regards to alternative weight loss methods. As you know, surgeries are one of the quickest solutions if you are in a hurry to lose weight.

Truly, thousands of people are depending their slimming program thru various weight loss surgeries that are not just so expensive, but quite pose some health risks. Although medically approved and tested, people are undergoing every possible body modifications just to overcome their weight issues. Are you one of them?

This article will give you some information about another famous and well-accepted procedure – tummy tuck. Lets find out more if this method is ideal for you or not.

What is Tummy Tuck

Medically known as Abdominoplasty, tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that primarily removes excess fat and skin within the abdominal area. The procedure itself is designed to restore weak or separated muscles, creating a good middle figure.

Most people are so conscious about the way their ab looks, which forces people to exercise more and do any types restrictive fad diets. However, tummy tuck is a procedure that can effectively flatten those big bellies without too much physical efforts.

Individuals who have a family history of obesity, post-pregnancy, aging, post-surgery and those who suffers from unstable weight issues may very well have excessive abdominal fat. People who wants to reduce their extended tummies and make it less sagging, will purely benefit from a tummy tuck procedure. recommends tummy tuck procedure if you have the following credentials:
  • physical fit, healthy and at stable weight
  • you have realistic expectations
  • you are not a smoker

Types of Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty varies in scope and are divided into categories. Depending on the type of tummy tuck required, a single surgical session may take up to 5 hours. Below are some of the most applied tummy tuck procedures worldwide.

Endoscopic Abdominoplasty

Just like my previous post about endoscopy, endoscopic tummy tuck is a procedure that uses an endoscope. Instead of inserting via the mouth, the endoscope is used to make small incisions in the skin, primarily to make the muscles more intact. The main objective however is not to remove any fat or the skin, so this procedure is more likely not for those who have big bellies.

Partial Abdominoplasty

Commonly called as “mini” tummy tuck, this procedure requires small incisions to remove or repair loose skin by stretching it down the navel. Sometimes the belly button is separated from the muscle below and make it slid down lower on the abdominal wall. Liposuction may be used to make the transition zone proportion. This type leads a small scar but offers faster recovery than any other abdominoplasty.

Extended Abdominoplasty

This is a complete tummy tuck but includes a lateral thigh lift. The scar will run from the posterior axillary line. The surgery does all the curving of the abdomen, making a complete tummy tuck procedure.

High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty

An advanced procedure compared to conventional tummy tuck which only tightens the muscles in a vertical line. This method however curves a high lateral tension tummy tuck, which means that the muscles are also tightened but in horizontal manner. This procedure will result in a better waistline and flat abdomen.

Floating Abdominoplasty

Also known as extended mini abdominoplasty, this procedure is also a new technique that requires small incisions for tightening and re-shaping of the abdomen. Thru the small incision, the excess skin is removed and the belly button is temporarily detached during the procedure. The muscles are then tightened and reshaped from the sternum directly to the pubic area. The belly button is then reattached and the skin is tightened.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck

This procedure is an extended abdominoplasty with a buttock lift. This abdominoplasty is also known as Belt Lipectomy or “body Lift”. Since this is a complete tummy tuck, it is more suitable for people who have just lost huge numbers of pounds, just like what you see in the reality show “The Biggest Loser”.

All these tummy tuck procedures can also be combined in one session depending on the suggestion of the physician. It can also be combined with other cosmetic surgeries such as breast lift/reduction, liposuction and many others. Plus, all tummy tuck procedures are permanent. However, positive outcome won’t last if you suffer from frequent unstable weight fluctuations. So if you don’t practice any slimming efforts like exercise or diet, you will regain the fats back.

Wrong Perceptions About Tummy Tuck

Through bad lifestyles and many other factors, most people suffers from unwanted fats along their waistline. Together with the difficulty of losing weight in a natural manner, thousands of people are consider weight loss surgeries and that includes tummy tuck. Many people believes that tummy tuck can give a perfect solution for their abdominal fat issues. They thought that it can give permanent outcome and perceive that abdominoplasty is best substitute for weight loss.

Some people also thought that tummy tuck can take away stretch marks although possible if the excess skin is where the stretch marks lies. If so, then that area of the skin will be removed.

Health Risks of Tummy Tuck

Like any other surgeries, abdominoplasty does pose health risks, some of which are serious and life threatening. If you want to undergo tummy tuck, it is wise to consider its health risks and complications rather than only thinking about its benefits. If your doctor is only talking about the positive effects and disregarding the possible health risks, then you have to think twice before you avail his services.

It is important to remember that tummy tuck is part of cosmetic operation, meaning that it should only be practiced by a certified plastic surgeon. It’s main objective is to thin your abdominal region, which means it’s a complicated procedure.

Although in general, tummy tucks are practically safe, the possibilities of complications shouldn’t be taken out of consideration. Complications may depend on either with the physician’s expertise or with the patient’s ability to follow his doctor’s instructions.

The major complications with abdominoplasty are blood clots, thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications and some infections. Stroke, pulmonary embolism and heart attack are very rare but possible. Other risks includes the following.
  • bleeding
  • skin loss
  • fluid accumulation
  • slow wound healing
  • swelling legs
  • skin discoloration
  • anesthesia complications
  • skin numbness
  • asymmetry
  • persistent pain along the operated area
  • nerve damage
  • hematoma
  • visible scar/keloid
  • possible re-surgery
  • seroma
  • death

Is Tummy Tuck Ideal for You

If you have relatively small amount of fat and skin that you want to be removed, then the most ideal procedure for you is the partial abdominoplasty. But if you had lost a huge amount of weight, then you should undergo complete tummy tuck to repair all the sagging or loose skin.

So is this surgical procedure for you? Not everyone is suitable for this method especially if you are not fit and healthy. You need to make sure that this procedure is the one that you really need. Plus, you need doctor’s approval before you may undergo this surgery.

Additionally, the scar from this procedure is unbearable and permanent. The size of the scar will depend on how much skin was removed. Your only hope for better incisions and less scars lies within your surgeon’s expertise, skills and techniques.

Remember that tummy tuck is not just risky, it’s also costly. In the US, a mini tummy tuck is priced around $4,000 and above. If you can’t afford this procedure, then it’s not for you.

In my opinion, you better ask your doctor if this procedure will truly give you the exact benefits that you really wanted. The best way to get fit and healthy is still the natural approach which requires no surgeries. You better try other weight loss methods that doesn’t thrive with body modification technique from cosmetic medicine. Taking weight loss pills is one method that can truly help you lose weight naturally. To know more about the best and clinically proven weight loss pills,


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