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Information about Obesity

Information about Obesity
Obesity is a condition that involves having too much fats that resulting to being overweight. Having a body mass index greater than 30 in adults is considered obese. Being overweight is a chronic medical disease that can lead to serious conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, kidney stones, gallstones, depression and many others.

What is obesity?

If you will be ask, how would you define obesity? In most people, being just overweight is a fine example of obesity. While this is true, obesity in general indicates having a weight greater than what is considered healthy or physically fit is considered a characteristics of obesity. As I have said earlier, this condition is a chronic disease highlighted by having too much body fats.

Body fat is an essential part of the body, which is used for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption and many more functions. But too much fats is not beneficial to health, but instead pose greater risks of diseases. To determine if an individual is fit or obese, the use of body mass index (BMI) calculation is required.

What is body mass index?

Body Mass Index or BMI, is calculated using a person’s height and weight information. A BMI is equal to a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their height in meters (m) squared. BMI shows the relativity of the body weight to its height which correlates with the total body fat content in an adult. A BMI of 25-29 in adults is considered overweight while a BMI over 30 is obese.

Health risks of being obese

Since the onset of nineteenth century, the cases of obesity and the obesity-related diseases have increased significantly. This is mainly due to busier lifestyles that tends people to ignore physical workouts and healthy diet. In the United States alone, over one-thirds of adults are said to be obese while 25 to 30% of children population are either overweight or obese.

Due to the busier lifestyles and unhealthy diet, obesity became one of the most difficult epidemic health problem the world has ever seen. Obesity could lead to serious health conditions that results obese people to hardly reach the age of 60. The common health problems includes:
  • insulin resistance
  • diabetes (type 2 is the most common risk)
  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • high cholesterol
  • stroke
  • congestive heart failure
  • heart attack
  • bone damage (due to overweight)
  • cancers
  • gout
  • sleep apnea
  • osteoarthritis
  • liver problems (cirrhosis and fatty liver)
  • kidney problems
  • gallstones
These health risks are not the only worries an obese person should look out. Obese people are also often criticized or discriminated because of their huge physical appearances. So obesity can also cause emotional trauma such as anxiety, stress and depression.

What causes obesity?

A body weight is caused by the balance between calories intake and the energy the body omits. The more you exert energy (workout), the probability of you getting slimmer is high. In short, obesity occurs if a person is physical inactive and have an increased calorie intake. Are there any other causes of obesity? Below are the most common causes why obesity is an abundant disease worldwide.
  • genetics (family history)
  • frequency of eating
  • slow metabolism
  • diet high in carbohydrates and calories
  • lack of physical exercise
  • medicinal dilemma (antidepressants, diabetes medications, contraceptives, etc)
  • diseases (hypothyroidism, stress, insulin resistance, etc)

What are the options if you are obese?

If you are found obese and extremely overweight, then you are bound to have higher risks for the conditions I stated above. The most natural way to treat obesity is through strenuous diet in conjunction of a regular and continuous workout plan. Remember that your focus is to reach a healthy weight not your desired ideal weight. Obesity is a long lasting treatment that requires patience and determination to succeed. over 90% of obese people who tried to lose weight failed to keep in shape in due time. Genetics and slow metabolism plays a big role on why obesity is a difficult task to deal with.

One of the main objective of this blog is to help you overcome your weight struggle especially obesity. Even a slight weight loss is an important step to your health and fitness program and should be acknowledged with great pride. All the information in this site can help you win your battle against obesity and lessen your risks of the conditions stated above and of course, increase your mortality.

If you want to learn more about your health and obesity, ask you doctor today and learn more about medical and natural ways to improve your weight in a life-long commitment to health and wellness.


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