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Home Cardio Workouts for Beginners

Home Cardio Workouts for Beginners
If you are overweight or obese, you definitely need to do an immediate action to compensate something for your health. Otherwise, you are subjected to different serious health risks of obesity and that I’m sure you don’t want to suffer that consequences. One of the best ways to start losing weight is thru healthy exercise and constant physical activities. How would you start a good fitness program?

Well for beginners, starting would seem a little bit confusing as choosing the best ways for weight loss is a tough task. Dieting for example can be difficult especially if you don’t know how to prepare your own daily meals. The simplest way to start is your workout program, dieting could be added once you gain more ideas how to do the right dieting plan. What is the best cardio workouts for beginners?

The following workouts are ideal for both seasoned and beginners which can be done at home. I will give you the best cardio workouts but it will also include low and high impact exercises which I’m sure beginners will truly enjoy practicing for their weight loss endeavors. You don’t need any expensive equipments to do these workouts and will only need minutes of your time daily. Burn calories and fats with these home cardio workouts for beginners.

Simple Home Cardio Workouts for Beginners

Jump rope workout

Jump rope workout
Jumping rope workout is simple and fun to do, even kids would love to do jumping rope. This is a perfect cardio exercise that can help burn you more fat while at home. All you need is a jump rope and you are ready to workout. This activity offers a whole body workout which helps strengthens leg muscles and improves body coordination.


I wrote an article about fidgeting and how it can help you lose weight naturally. Well, walking is one of the common sign of fidgeting and also one of the best ways to lose calories while at home. Walking is a natural way of life and you don’t need anything to practice this simple exercise. You can walk your dog out, walk around your garden or just walk around your house for at least 20 minutes and you are guaranteed to lose more calories than just sitting on your couch and watching television.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks
Jumping jacks is another simple exercise that you can do at home. Beginners surely know this workout. Simply do at least 36 counts of jumping jacks in between any of your workouts and you will surely lose more calories than just walking for 15 minutes. Jumping jack is a known exercise and a good cardio workout which helps boost immune system, regulates heart beat and improves over all health.

Shadow boxing

Shadow boxing
Boxing is a great workout and you can definitely apply shadow boxing routines at home. You don’t need a boxing instructor to practice shadow boxing, you only need to punch in the air (literally) to exercise your whole body. You can do body weaving, uppercuts, straights, left and right hooks, foot work and many others. Shadow boxing is a great cardio workout and I’m sure you will love it.

Diagonal knee smash

Diagonal knee smash
Knee smash is a popular workout routine that you often see in television fitness programs. The diagonal knee smash is another great home cardio workout that can help trim your waistline and develops leg muscles. Knee smash can definitely help you warm up a bit before you get to your real workout program.


If you love shadow boxing, why don’t you add some kicking to kick start your weight loss program. Kickboxing is another sport that you should try if you really want to lose weight fast. Kickboxing moves are good cardio workout that is good for your health. This includes front kick, side kick, round kick and many more. You can also combine boxing and other martial art routines when practicing kickboxing at home.

Stair Climbing

Stair climbing is another cardio workout that you can do inside your home. If you have stairs, then you can insert this routine into your weight loss program. Stair climbing improves the upper and lower part of the body. A 20 minute stair climbing routine is enough to start your exercise program right.


Dancing is another way to lose those excess pounds. If you are too bored with regular exercises, why not dance your way to fitness? Yes, any type of dancing can deliver good results which are not just for weight loss benefit, but to over all health as well. Dancing can boost your confidence, takes out stress, builds muscles, gives good posture, effectively burns fat and speeds up your metabolism.

Alternative Cardio Workouts for Beginners

If you have more time, there are other things that you might consider applying for your cardio weight loss program. This includes common outdoor exercises such as biking, jogging, aerobics, sports, mountain climbing, swimming and many others. So with regards to cardio workouts, you will never run out of activities to support your weight loss goals.

In conjunction with cardio workouts, dieting is also another important task. Your physical activities should jive well on how you program your diet. Most fad diets are only good for short-term application, pushing it for longer period of time would be disastrous to your health. Still healthy and balanced diet is the key to successful weight loss.

If you want to learn more or want to start a personalized diet, I suggest that you try Amanda Hamilton Diet Secrets. You will never go wrong again with Amanda’s trending diet regimen specifically made for your body’s metabolism rate. Click below to enroll for a seven day free trial. There is absolutely nothing to lose in enrolling with Amanda Hamilton diet course, except of course your excess weight.

In summary, cardio workouts is one of the best calorie burning routine that you can ever do for weight loss. If you have no time to go to the gym or into a fitness center, try these workouts and you will receive similar health and fitness benefits. Remember, cardio workouts are not just for weight loss, it can also improve your over all health!


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